Saturday, June 06, 2009

Dimple + Pout = Get out Jail Free Card

Lautje long ago discovered his pouting face: sticking out his bottom lip as far as possible, frowning, and possibly even crying. It's so obviously fake that the Mommy and Daddy can't help but laugh (which, naturally, induces Lautje - normally- to graduate from pouting to definite crying). But recently Lautje discovered another, somewhat related, facial express: the bottom lip and the dimple, together!
Now, instead of progressing from a pouting face to full-blown crying when the Mommy and Daddy laugh at his manipulative pout, Lautje has started to laugh along with the joke, as if to say "Yes, you caught me trying to guilt-trip you, but remember, I'm cute!" Generally, Lautje recovers very quickly and transfers his pout from crying to laughing with a flash of the dimple, but alway with the bottom lip out. This, of course, only causes the Mommy and Daddy to laugh even harder. Thus, Lautje's dimply-pouty face has in recent months become a standard face, brought out whenever he wants to amuse his parents (because it rarely fails...).