Saturday, May 10, 2008

He's grown a bit...

So, he's grown a bit in the past few months. In the top photo, you can see one of his first jumpers, and how very small it looks now. And, we knew that he's gotten a bit big; it's hard not to notice when you are carrying him around for any length of time. But when it really hit us was when Lautje's cousin came to visit. Side by side, they are not so very different in size. The major difference is that Lautje is half as old (4 months vs. 8 months), and Lautje has no hair yet. Well, that, and his cousin smiled and laughed most of the time, while Lautje grumped his way through the day.

Friday, May 09, 2008

The Oma and the Daddy

We recently visited the Oma and Opa, and Lautje got to hang out on the balcony, amongst all of the Oma's flowers. In a less beautiful environment (our bedroom), the boy and his Daddy took a nap together. Correction: the Daddy tried to take a nap, while the boy smiled and laughed and stayed awake kicking the Daddy in areas that aren't meant to be kicked. In any event, the Mommy snapped a picture.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Low-riding Grumpy Boy

Lautje likes his rocking chair, he can sit in it for an hour or more at a time. Of course, since he inherited bad posture from his father, he makes a point of sliding down until his feet are hanging off the edge. On a brighter note, I thought I'd include the latest Grumpy photo, in which Lautje wonders why exactly he has to go to the grocery store just because Daddy is out of beer...

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Working out

As previously mentioned, we're trying to help the little guy build up some muscles, so we put him on his stomach and let him try to move around or push up, or whatever he wants to do. We try to have one of us stay at eye level, so he doesn't feel abandoned or panic (plus it distracts him...). He seems to enjoy it, at least for awhile.

I'll have a blindfold, please

For some reason, when he falls asleep, the hat invariably ends up over his eyes. And, being the strange boy that he is, he prefers it that way. You can move it if you want, but you'll want to cover your ears first...

Monday, May 05, 2008

Couple more Cute Boy Photos

Ok, so these are the last two I will put up from that particular photo session, even though there are about 10 more that are just as good.