Saturday, July 26, 2008

Getting into Trouble

As you can imagine, Lautje's new found mobility has opened up alot of opportunities to get into trouble. Up top, you can see him showing off his ever-improving upper arm strength. Middle photo, he's found the tool chest and become fascinated with the lock. Down below, well, for some reason the yellow phone book is a perennial favorite.

Friday, July 25, 2008

It's Tough Being Carried

After a long, hard day of hiking (or, sleeping on the Mommy as she was hiking), Lautje decided to take a nap at the local supermarket. Now if he only would sleep like that at night...


So, aside from the fact that Lautje's head is a bit more rounded up top, he's pretty much the spitting image of his mother, wouldn't you say?

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Speedy Gonzales

Yes, the push-up ability has led to crawling. Or, to be more precise, dragging himself forward. Very reminiscent of a war movie hero dragging himself across the battlefield using only his arms, with similar grunting sound effects as well. I managed to catch a few photos of an early sojourn where he really wanted a particular toy: you can see the progression of motion from the top photo towards the bottom photo. This particular journey took a minute or two. Now, he can cover that in 10 seconds. We're not-so-eagerly awaiting the day he discovers that his legs don't have to just be passengers, but can actually contribute to the movement...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Random Photos - Part Two

As you can see from these photos, he's very happy playing with his books, which I guess he comes by honestly enough given his parental heritage. You'll also notice that he's mastered the art of the push-up. But more on that development tomorrow...

Random Photos - Part One

A couple of random photos that I've been meaning to post. Up top, typical cute boy hanging out on Aunt Ruth's knitted blanket trying to fit a toy in his mouth. The bottom photo is of an obviously tired Lautje hanging out on his Opa's lap, trying not to fall asleep.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Asleep and Awake

Sorry for the delay; as always, we're a bit busy these days. In the top photo, you can see Lautje taking a nap with one of his favorite toys. In the bottom, you can see him in one of his numerous moments of hysterical laughter. Notice, of course, that he is in his sleep clothing, and supposed to be getting ready for bed...