Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Jealous Boy

Aunt Stephie's sister Laura came to visit recently, and brought her beautiful newborn son Lennart for Lautje to see. Needless to say, Lautje was quite confused, continuously looking at the Daddy helplessly, as if to say "Who is this little guy, and why is everyone paying attention to him and not me?"

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Definite Mommy's Boy

In the last week or so, Lautje has reverted back to being a big-time Mommy's boy. When the Mommy leaves the room, he follows. When the Mommy goes to the bathroom, he follows. You get the picture. So, in honor of Lautje's sudden change in mood, here are few photos of the boy with his Mommy... Up first, a freshly showered Mommy with her Mommy's boy.
Next, the cute boy hanging out on the Mommy's arm, laughing and generally avoiding looking at the camera...
Finally, a photo of the Mommy with her somewhat sad little boy. Not entirely sure why he was so unhappy all of a sudden, but the Daddy suspects it had something to do with the Mommy leaving the room without first getting permission...

Monday, December 15, 2008

Lautje and Cameras

As many readers (if such people do indeed exist...) might have noticed, a great many Lautje photos these days tend to be taken from above, looking down. The Daddy tries to post such photos as rarely as possible, because they tend to be of dubious quality. More often than not, they resemble the photo below. Granted, Lautje looks all cute and smiley, but it's blurry, and it's not the best angle. Of course, one might very well ask why so many recent Lautje photos end up being take from this angle. Well, to answer that question, the Mommy secretly photographed the Daddy videoing Lautje (it's all very post-modern, I know, but the Mommy is to be commended, since, as the subsequent photos show, her actions demanded some serious stealth skills - apologies for the yellow tint, but the Mommy's undercover photography work required non-flash photos...). The first photo can be seen below, as the Daddy turns the video camera on and waits for it to warm up.
And, as the second photo shows, Lautje is already fully upright and grabbing at the Daddy's blue jeans, wanting to be picked up. As you can see, anytime a camera is brought out into the daylight, the photographer immediately is presented with the smiley face of the leg climbing Lautje. Sadly, this is the eventual outcome of every photography session, which, of course, limits the variety of photos that have been taken lately.
Oh, and as everyone can see, Lautje is still rather bald. However, it should be noted that his hair is starting to thicken, and his hairline is moving forward at roughly the same pace that the Daddy's hairline is creeping backwards (as can be seen above...). In fact, there are rumors that the Mommy is currently taking bets as to which of the two hairlines achieves its goal first...