Saturday, April 12, 2014

There's no escaping the Aggies

Ostensibly, this is just a picture of a little girl in cowboy boots standing between two cars. Granted, the boots are somewhat unique here in Germany, but otherwise, nothing to write home about:
Until you pan out, that is... 
Even in Germany one can't escape the insidious presence of Aggies. Looks like it's time to move again! On the other hand, at least they aren't from Oklahoma...

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Special Post for the Papa

Anneke has a great many talents - notable among them giggling and making very funny faces. So as a special post for her grandfather, here is a collection of her funniest Texas faces... "Go ahead, make my day..."

"Lautje, you need a bath..."
"Oops, was I not supposed to pick these flowers?"

"Mommy said not to get my dress dirty; she didn't say anything about my face (or Nanny's car)!"
"Come on in, y'all!"
But then, if she always walked around angel-faced and innocent, life would be so boring!