The Last Days
Well, all good things must come to an end, and so it was with Lautje's Texas journey. He spent the last day at his Uncle Mac's house watching his cousin Colton practice roping (and if he'd crawled any closer might have ended up roped himself...), crawling around on the grass, visiting the horses, and generally trying to discover whatever trouble he'd missed the first time around.
So after a little more exploring, he and the Mommy posed for a group photo with his Aggie cousins (though his Daddy told him not to hold that against them...), as can be seen below.And then Lautje climbed aboard the airplane, and made his way back to Germany. As you can see in the photo below, the flight home earned a rare "double dimple": not that he was happy to leave Texas, but rather just happy to be going home (or maybe he liked the airline food, hard to tell at his age...).
So after a little more exploring, he and the Mommy posed for a group photo with his Aggie cousins (though his Daddy told him not to hold that against them...), as can be seen below.And then Lautje climbed aboard the airplane, and made his way back to Germany. As you can see in the photo below, the flight home earned a rare "double dimple": not that he was happy to leave Texas, but rather just happy to be going home (or maybe he liked the airline food, hard to tell at his age...).