Friday, February 24, 2012

Funny sleepers

The Terrible Twosome not only brightens their parents' days - they manage to be funny even when they are sleeping. Anneke, for instance, finds the most interesting positions during her naps...
... while Lautje invariably manages to minimize the space his bed offers him.
Of course, both insist on taking to their bed whichever toy happens to be the flavor of the month. For Anneke, this has recently been the get-well teddy bear sent by Auntie Nicole when the Mommy's appendix suddenly insisted on being removed:
And then, of course, there is Bevo, always a favorite:
In fact, Anneke fills her bed with just about anything that strikes her fancy, from toys to water bottles and pillows, so the Mommy and Daddy have made a point of digging her out every night before they go to sleep themselves. Though sometimes it is difficult to even identify her amongst the clutter:
Lautje's favorite bed companions are his books - his bed invariably contains anywhere between 5 and 10 books which he insists on reading before going to sleep. The Mommy and Daddy are still puzzled where he might get such outlandish ideas, but are happy to pluck the occasional book from his face once he has dozed off:
And sometimes, on very rare occasions, Lautje can convince his favorite bedside companion to stay with him until he falls asleep. However, due to a mixture of sleep deprivation, the cozyness of Lautje's bed and the glory of snuggling with her baby boy, it is not always Lautje who falls asleep first...